
Sending Your Child School for First Time Happily: A Journey of Discovery with Positive Vibes

When a child goes to school for the first time, it is a very special occasion in the life of parents. It is a very emotional moment for the parents to send their child to school for the first time. Many parents do not exactly know how to prepare their children to go to school for the first time.

If you are also a parent and sending your child to school for the first time, then this article is exclusively written for you. In this article, I will disclose various interesting and meaningful ways by which you can send your child to school for the first time happily and successfully with positive vibes.

Give your blessings to the child

First of all, you should give your blessings to your child. You should also pray to God that the education journey of your child should be happy and peaceful with positive vibes.

Blessings are valuable gifts of God and it radiates positive vibes to your child who is going to school for the first time. Your good wishes can help your child to do well in his studies and to enjoy his learning experience at school.

Make sure your child is properly dressed

If you are sending your child to school for the first time, you should be well aware of the school uniform and make sure that your child is properly dressed as per the school uniform.

Your child should wear a neat and clean school uniform and also give a handkerchief and sanitizer to maintain proper personal hygiene in the school.

Drop your child to school

If it is the first day of your child at school, you should drop your child at school. It will make your child feel comfortable and happy. When you are with your child, he will feel secure and it can be a joyful experience for him.

Once you hand over your child to the school teacher, you should come back otherwise your child will resist going to the class. You should trust school teachers that they will take care of your child in the school.

Be aware of the timings of the school

If your child is going to school for the first time, you should be aware of the school timings. You should make sure that your child reaches school on time without any delay.

You should plan in such a way that your child reaches school on time. If you take care of the time, your child will have sufficient time to become comfortable in the new environment at the school.

Meet the teachers in advance

If your child is going to school for the first time, you should meet his school teachers in advance so that you are clear about his teachers. You can ask teachers in case of any doubts.

When you meet teachers in advance, they will also get to know more about you and your child. They will take better care of your child during school time. You should pay full respect to the teachers as they will shape the future of your child.

Give lunch box with nutritious food

You should not forget to give lunch boxes with nutritious food to your child. When your child is going to school, you should take care of his food habits.

Junk food is not allowed in schools, so you should only give healthy food to your child and also educate your child about the importance of healthy food.

Pick your child at the right time

On day one, you should pick up your child from school at the right time. If you get late, your child may feel stressed. You should reach school before time to pick up your ward.

I am sure that when you go to pick up your child from school, he will feel extremely happy and it is going to be a good surprise for your child. It can be a lifetime memory for you and your child.

Do not over-pamper your child

When your child is going to school, you should not over-pamper your child. This habit can trouble your child as he may not mix up with his classmates. I have seen many parents who over-pamper their children at home and do the same thing in the school also.

You should avoid doing this. You should not treat your child as a special child in the school. You should behave normally and tell your child to respect teachers and show good behavior to their classmates.

Motivate your child

You should motivate your child as it will prepare him for a better way to go to school for the first time. Motivation is always a good gesture and it will improve the morale of your child.

You should inspire your child to go to school with positive vibes. This will bring positivity to your child and he will adapt better to the school environment. Also, teach your child to be obedient to teachers for a good learning experience at school.

Tell your child about the importance of education

If you are sending your child to school for the first time, you should tell him the importance of education in his life. This will create his interest in the school and it will help to prepare your child better while going to school for the first time.

Let your child realize the importance of going to school. You should try to make his learning experience as learning with fun and enthusiasm.

Ensure that the school bag contains all books

When your child is going to school for the first time, you should be aware of the timetable. You should take care that his school bag contains all the study books and study materials.

Do not add unnecessary books to the school bag. It will make it heavy and your child may not be able to carry his school bag. Therefore, you should have his school bag ready in advance.

Take the contact number of the school reception

If your child is going to school for the first time, you should have the contact number of the school reception. This is important because you can call and get to know what your child is doing in school.

You should share your contact number also with the school teachers so that they can call you if required. You should be available for your child and school during school times in case of any emergency.

Inform to teacher if your child has a health problem

If your child has some health issues, you should inform the teachers in advance so that they take good care of your child. You should share the health information and vaccination details of your child with the school.

It is your responsibility you ensure the good health of your child in the school with the help of teachers and support staff.

Make it a lifetime memory

When you are sending your child to school for the first time, you can capture these precious moments with the help of a good camera. It will make a lifetime memory for you and your child.

You should carefully preserve these pictures in an album so you can see these pictures and enjoy the moments later on also. You should understand that it is a new journey for your child and you should make the most of it by enjoying every moment in the best possible ways.

Control your emotions

If you are sending your child to school for the first time, it is very important to control your emotions. I can understand that it is very difficult for parents to control their emotions in such a situation, but still, you should behave like a mature person.

You should not reflect your emotional outburst to your child. For example, a few parents start crying and feel sad while sending their child to school for the first time. You should not show your child that you are worried otherwise he will also become uncomfortable and resist going to school.

You should send your child to school with happiness and positive vibes. If you do so, it can be a joyful experience for you and your child.

Appreciate your child

When you are sending your child to school for the first time, you should appreciate your child. You can tell your child that he is looking cute and he is going to enjoy in the school. You can also tell your child that he is going to play and learn in the school with various interesting activities.

You should also convince your child that he is going to make new friends in the school. This will make your child feel comfortable and he will think that it is going to be an interesting experience for him to go to school.

Explore the interests of your child

It is very important to explore the interests of your child while sending him to school for the first time. For example, your child may be good at listening to music, dancing, or playing some game.

You should inform the same to the class teachers in advance so that they put your child in the relevant club and by doing this your child is going to enjoy his stay at school by participating in the activities of his interest.

It will also help his class teachers to take care of his interest and talent in a particular area.


Sending a child to school for the first time is a special moment for every parent and it may be an interesting, challenging, or emotional journey for the child as well as parents. In this article, I have highlighted the strategies by which you can send your child to school with positive vibes and it can become a happy and memorable event of your life.

Best Wishes

Stay Positive Be Happy

Positive Vibes 4 U



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