
Useful Ideas to Help Your Best Friend Deal with Emotional Distress through Positive Vibes

We all have a best friend in our life and we feel blessed about it. We can not expect life without our best friends because we share our every emotion with them. A best friend is one who is always ready to help and show unconditional love and support to us in every situation of our lives.

True friendship is the greatest blessing of God and our best friend is the true well-wisher for us. With the company of best friends, we are always confident in life as they motivate and help us in our difficult times. Best friends are different from family members and relatives as there are many personal issues that we like to discuss with our best friends only.

You might have experienced that sometimes your best friend is struggling with emotional distress like feelings being shameful, fearful, sad, angry, disgusted, jealous, confused, guilty, neglected, isolated, etc. In this article, I will highlight the practical solution for such types of emotional distress to your best friend with the help of positive vibes.

Feeling shameful

Feeling shameful is an internal feeling in which a person thinks that he or she has done something wrong that is not acceptable on moral, ethical, cultural, or religious grounds. As we know every family has their moral values and traditional thinking and it is expected the family members adhere to the do’s and don’ts of their family.

But sometimes any person who may be your best friend might have done something against the moral values, culture, or traditional values due to which he or she may feel shameful. This is a self-destructive and self-critic feeling that needs to be addressed as soon as possible otherwise it can deteriorate the personality of the sufferer.

Being your best friend in such a critical condition, you can help with some positive vibes. First of all, you should initiate the talk with him and try to find out the exact reason for feeling shameful. After identifying the reason, try to eliminate the root cause of the problem.

You can help your best friend by sending him motivational text messages, meeting him regularly, you can plan a visit together for a change. You can also go for dinner together with your friend and also tell him or her that they are important and lovable people. If you take care of your best friend for some time with positive vibes, you will see that your best friend is feeling good and not having shameful feelings. In these positive vibes gestures, shameful feelings are removed from the life of your best friends forever.

Feeling fearful

The feeling of fear is related to insecurity and lack of self-confidence. Sometimes any bad incident or child abuse can develop into fearful feelings in the later part of life. Fear can be of different types for example fear of losing a job, fear of being rejected, fear of failure in examination, etc.

Every person can experience feelings of fear at any stage of life but when this fear feeling remains continuous for a very long time, then it becomes the habit of the person to be a fearful person. If your best friend is trapped in a fearful feeling situation, you can help him with some positive vibes. You can tell him that this type of feeling is virtual and most of the incidents they are afraid of never happen in their life.

You must try to make them feel confident and comfortable while dealing with such a difficult situation. You can give your example about how you cope with the feeling of fear. Also, try to understand what is their fear in life. Once you know about the cause, the next step is to help him look forward to the solution of this problem.

Such types of people should keep themselves busy with constructive activities and set some targets in their lives so that they have no time left for fearful feelings. These are the ways by which you can help your best friend deal with fearful feelings with positive vibes.

Feeling sad

Feeling sad is becoming very common nowadays. There may be many reasons for somebody to feel sad like not getting the results as expected in life. Many times we work very hard for some objectives, but unfortunately, we get a sequence of failures that can demotivate anyone. It is quite obvious to have feelings of sadness.

It may happen with your best friend also, therefore you should be ready to help him with some positive gestures. You can meet your friend and discuss with him about his sadness reasons. We should understand that many people become sad easily even in very small matters of life. They may be highly sensitive people. Therefore, you should handle them very carefully.

It is always better to take him on a small outdoor visit to a place so that he is having some good change in his life. Motivation is the key factor to help your best friend get rid of sadness with some positive vibes. Try to involve him in some constructive activity or hobbies of his interest. It takes some effort and time to see the positive results.

Feeling angry

There can be various reasons to feel angry like personal problems in which there may be broken relationships, not getting the proper recognition, or rejection by family, friends, or society. If the feeling of anger is for a short time, then it is considered to be a normal response to any difficult situation in life. But if your best friend is always in an angry mood, then it is a serious concern.

You can help your angry friend in many ways. First of all, tell your friend to admit that he is angry and let him realize what are his mistakes because the first step in anger management is to accept this situation. Give your friend some motivation and confidence that he can deal with anger by staying cool and calm. Also, advise him to control his emotions and try to have a practical approach in life. Help your friend identify the root cause of the anger and suggest possible solutions for the problems faced by your best friend. I hope with these positive vibes, your best friend can come out of his angry mood and feel peace of mind in the coming time.

Feeling jealous

Many people in this world are jealous of the progress and achievements of others which is not good. Jealousy comes when we are not putting any sincere effort into achieving success but we want to reach the top of our objectives in life. Without hard work and dedication, nothing can be achieved in life.

If your best friend also has the feeling of being jealous, you should discuss with him that this is a negative approach towards life which will make them feel depressed and demotivated later. It is the right time to keep a positive spirit appreciate the achievements of others and also learn from others how to get success in life. Greeting others with positive vibes can be a possible solution to stay away from feeling jealous.


In this article, I have compiled useful ideas to help your best friend deal with emotional distress with positive vibes in life. All need to have positive vibes so that we can enjoy the true happiness and peace of life.

Best Wishes,

Stay Positive Be Happy

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